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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vagina Monologues was created for a reason!

Today's question: "How can I start feeling better about my vagina? I feel like it is gross and completely unsexy. The idea of a sexual partner going down on me or even looking at it makes me squirm."

Reader, say it with me now: "my vagina is awesome!" Think about all the things it can do? Self lubricate, self-clean, handle foreign bodies inside of it, stretch and shrink, usher in new life--it's a really versatile body part! And what many women do not realize is that their partners LOVE their vaginas too. You might be surprised to know how many men (and women) are attracted to the idea of simply turning you on. Since the vagina is the locus of sexual arousal for most women, that means that partners are attracted to that very spot that makes you squirm. Think about it...the clitoris, which sits snugly slightly above your labia (the vaginal "lips") is a hot spot of nerves and pleasurable sensation. So if you think about it that way---that your partner is EXCITED to explore your vagina and see what s/he can do to turn you on--that might help you give the girl a little love.
       But don't feel bad if it takes some time for you to become acquainted with this more elusive part of your body. In society today we are trained to see our external sexual organs as something to be ashamed of, something to hide. That stigma stays with us as we grow up and unfortunately female genitalia has gotten a particularly bad rap throughout history. So I would encourage you to slowly become acquainted with your vagina. Try taking out a small mirror, sit on the edge of the bathtub or bed and use the mirror to have a good look at your vagina. I would even encourage you to look at pictures of vaginas so that you see they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. The more you expose yourself to the image, the more you will take the stigma out of it.
You can even check out a Georgia O'Keefe painting if you are feeling like the vagina is "weird" because she has a way  making flowers into sex organs and vice versa! And they are beautiful works of art.

Finally, I would encourage you to get to know your vagina, and what makes you feel good before having a partner explore the area. That way you can direct him/her and let your partner know exactly what you like. Communication is sexy and we cannot communicate what we don't know. So go forth reader and explore!

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